Major Luke G. Grossman Usaf

Command and General Staff Officer Education for the 21st Century Examining the German Model

ebook Ausgabe. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
ISBN 1786250470
EAN 9781786250476
Veröffentlicht November 2015
Verlag/Hersteller Lucknow Books
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
1,49 inkl. MwSt.
Sofort Lieferbar (Download)

Education has been the foundational cornerstone to every profession and continues to be so in the 21st Century. As a profession, the military is obligated to conduct not only training but also education of the keepers of the profession, the officer corps. Since the rise of large military bodies enabled by the levee en masse and industrialization, armies have required educated officers skilled in both command and staff functions. The Prussian-German model of staff officer education embodied in the Kriegsakademie of the Nineteenth and first half of the Twentieth Century's, was highly regarded and much copied. The education officer received at the Kriegsakademie directly contributed to an efficiently organized and employed Prussian-German Army at the tactical and operational levels. The investment in Kriegsakademie officer education paid huge dividends at Gravelotte-St Privat and Sedan 1870, Tannenberg 1914, Battle of Poland 1939, and the Battle of France 1940, critical first battles.With the rearming of Germany in 1955 came the need for the fledgling Bundeswehr to educate general staff officers. This need was met by establishing the Fuhrungsakademie (German Armed Forces Command and Staff College). The Fuhrungsakademie was created with the same time honored principles that had served general staff officer training previously: careful selection of the most highly qualified and promising officers and a broad based education rigorously applied. However, little information on the current Fuhrungsakademie Education System is available in the English language. This monograph attempts to address this void. The author conducted research and interviews with the faculty, staff, and students at the Fuhrungsakademie in Hamburg, Germany in order to understand and assess the education given to German general staff officer aspirants. The central general staff officer's education course is the National General/Admiral Staff Officers Course.

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