Marc Millon

Italy in a Wineglass

The Taste of History. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook , 440 Seiten
ISBN 180526141X
EAN 9781805261414
Veröffentlicht April 2024
Verlag/Hersteller Hurst Publishers

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The world is enamoured with Italy: its culture, art, food and fashion, the beauty of its landscapes, its famous cities—and, of course, its wine.
From the ancient Greeks to Garibaldi, from Christianity to feminism, and from the Medici to Napoleon, travel writer and oenophile Marc Millon reveals how the story of Italy has always been entwined with the story of wine. Through the millennia, wine has been a celebratory libation at great events. It has lubricated moments of joy and offered solace in times of despair. It has brought courage to warriors before battle and been drunk in ecstatic quantity by the victors. Whether it be Possessioni Rosso, still made today by descendants of Dante; Casa E. di Mirafiore, from a wine estate founded by the son of Italy's first king; or Terre Rosse di Giabbascio, pressed from grapes grown on ex-Mafia land, these wines, and many more, provide an intoxicating insight into the ideas, events and personalities that made Italy.
If history can sometimes be throat-achingly dry, Italy in a Wineglass offers an enjoyably fresh take on this country's past, present and future, through the story of one of the world's most popular drinks.


Marc Millon is the author of fourteen books on wine, food and travel, and a leading expert on Italian wine. He is a certified Italian wine ambassador and has a weekly podcast, Wine, Food & Travel with Marc Millon. He regularly lectures and hosts gastronomic tours to Italy and France.

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