Marcos Antonio Hernandez

Awakening (The Edited Genome Trilogy, #1)

ebook Ausgabe. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
ISBN 1732003572
EAN 9781732003576
Veröffentlicht April 2020
Verlag/Hersteller Marcos Antonio Hernandez
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
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A risky procedure can solve all of her problems. The price is humanity's future…
Shada Gray wasn't lucky enough to be born into a family that can afford DNA edits. On the precipice of going pro, she's devastated when a natural genetic mutation derails her sports career. With her sister's financial future also uncertain, she accepts millions from the edited CEO of a genetic engineering firm and gives up control of her body.
Trapped in her own mind, Shada discovers her "benefactor" has a shocking plan for the city's unedited humans. But with no power to direct her own actions, she fears there's nothing she can do to stop him. And her beloved sister is in the firing line of this man who would play God…
Can Shada disrupt his sinister scheme and prevent the edited elites from destroying her family?
Awakening is the first book in the completed Edited Genome technothriller trilogy. If you like smart science fiction, strong female heroes, and stories that grip you from page one, you'll love Marcos Antonio Hernandez's terrifying dystopian world.
Buy Awakening to stand up to evil corporations today!


Marcos is an an author based out of Washington D.C. He didn't always know about his passion for writing but has always known about his passion for reading. He began by carving out time every day to develop the habit of writing until the foundations of his first novel had been built. He reads everything he can get his hands on but particularly enjoys science fiction / fantasy. When reading is not possible, he has his headphones in, listening to audiobooks.
After graduating from the University of Maryland with a degree in chemical engineering and a minor in physics, Marcos has been lucky enough to have not one but two dream jobs. He began flexing his creativity muscles during his time as a food scientist at a dessert think tank, specializing in helping clients find solutions to their frozen dessert problems (read: professional ice cream maker). After leaving this career, he began a new career as a strength and conditioning coach (what he calls his "retirement"). He has been a coach for over two years and enjoys interacting with a diverse range of people.
Marcos believes in training his creativity muscles through story telling. Like exercise, he believes in showing up every day to get the work done. His hope is to learn from every experience and let it shine through the stories he tells.

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