Margaret Peterson Haddix

Mysteries of Trash and Treasure: The Ghostly Photos

ebook Ausgabe. Empfohlen 8 bis 12 Jahre. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook , 336 Seiten
ISBN 0063089831
EAN 9780063089839
Veröffentlicht September 2023
Verlag/Hersteller Katherine Tegen Books
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
10,99 inkl. MwSt.
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New York Times bestselling middle-grade thriller author Margaret Peterson Haddix returns to the Mysteries of Trash and Treasure series as Colin and Nevaeh unravel a mystery from the 1930s and explore the emotions associated with death and dying.
Colin and Nevaeh are great at finding things. After all, they found each other and became best friends—even though their parents are business rivals. They also found hidden boxes of secret letters, which led them to unravel mysteries about kids from the 1970s.
But when they started Mystery Solvers Inc., they didn't expect to be asked to find a ghost.
Ree recruits them to investigate a series of old, spooky photos left behind in her family's new house. The photos show a boy who looks totally see-through. And in some, he's in a coffin.
That's not so odd for Ree, who lives above a funeral home. But when Colin and Nevaeh start investigating, they discover other sightings of the boy—and other secrets Ree is hiding.
The more clues they find, the more they realize this mystery goes back to a time called the Great Depression. Will history, once again, help them solve the case?


Margaret Peterson Haddix grew up on a farm in Ohio. As a kid, she knew two girls who had the exact same first, middle, and last names and shared the same birthday—only one year apart—and she always thought that was bizarre.
As an adult, Haddix worked as a newspaper reporter and copy editor in Indiana before her first book, Running Out of Time, was published. She has since written more than forty books for kids and teens, including the Greystone Secrets series, the Shadow Children series, the Missing series, the Children of Exile series, and lots of stand-alones. Haddix and her husband, Doug, now live in Columbus, Ohio, where they raised their two kids. You can learn more about her at

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