Marsha Black

The Triplet's Curse - Hope's Story (Book One)

ebook Ausgabe. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
EAN 9781386996255
Veröffentlicht Oktober 2017
Verlag/Hersteller Marsha Black
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
2,99 inkl. MwSt.
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When the moon is full High above the Earth
Three daughters shall be born
On their 16th birthday, their destiny will begin
One daughter, born with the knowledge of the future, yet blind of those closest to her
Hope, your normal teenage girl, other than being one out of a set of triplets', dreams about the day she turns 16 and can get her license.
Unknowingly, as her 16th birthday draws closer, a curse that has been around for centuries will activate, causing her to have visions, giving her knowledge of the future. The things she sees, she hopes are just hallucinations.
New guy Bryce, comes to town, knowing of the curse. He's part of a group that prepares their whole lives to train the triplet sisters, who are unlucky enough to have it befall them. Hoping, the town he moves to doesn't have the sisters they are looking for, once his eyes rest upon Hope, he knows without a doubt that his life will be changed and with the spark at contact, he knows it will be changed forever.
With Bryce's help, Hope must accept these changes and train, learning how to control her ability and preventing more visions from becoming a reality. As the fight hits closer to home, will Hope be prepared to defeat the evil, making the world safer, for just a little bit longer?

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