Marti Laney

Introvert and Extrovert in Love

ebook Ausgabe. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
ISBN 1608826759
EAN 9781608826759
Verlag/Hersteller New Harbinger Publications
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
16,99 inkl. MwSt.
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The Innie and Outie Guide to a Great Relationship
We use the words everyday, but what does it really mean to be an introvert or an extrovert? And what does it mean to be an introvert in a romantic relationship with an extrovert? Can it work? Surprisingly, psychologists tell us that despite their obvious differences, introverts and extroverts can enjoy a strong, stable-and fun-relationship. The key to introvert/extrovert bliss lies in understanding what makes the other person tick and using your differences to help balance and enrich the relationship.
This book offers advice for making it happen:
Learn how innies and outies process information and communicate differently
Discover ways to create a fulfilling social life for yourself and your partner
Find creative ways to blend decision-making and future-planning styles
Get past the dangerous question, why can't you be more like me?
Turn up the heat in the...


Michael L. Laney, MBA, CPA, is a busines consultant providing organizational development, strategic planning, and advisory board-of-director services. He is certified in the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI). He has consulted with his wife, Marti, on her book projects and was the roadie on each of her book tours. He has appearesd on several radio and television shows with his Marti to discuss the ins and outs of their introvert-extrovert relationship.

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