Martin Griffin

The Last Visitor

Pre-order the nail-biting new thriller from the author of The Second Stranger. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
ISBN 1408725282
EAN 9781408725283
Veröffentlicht 1. August 2024
Verlag/Hersteller Sphere
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
7,99 inkl. MwSt.
Sofort Lieferbar (Download)

The island was abandoned for fifty years.
So how did the body get there?
Five-hundred kilometres from land in the middle of Atlantic Ocean lies Navigaceo. A tiny island that was hastily abandoned fifty years ago and has been uninhabited ever since.
Until now. Tess Macfarlane is a documentary filmmaker tasked with capturing the wild beauty of Navigaceo. Accompanied by a small team of researchers, her job is to film everything she sees.
But Tess sees too much: a body. It's clearly recent. It shouldn't be there. And the victim is wearing the same expedition uniform as her colleagues.
Someone has been here already and everyone on the team is a suspect. More than one of them could be a murderer. With five days until they are returned to the mainland, Tess must be careful, or hers might be the next body found on the shore . . .
Praise for Martin Griffin
'If there is a finer crime debut this year, it will be a surprise . . . Stunning' Daily Mail
'Fresh, gripping and addictive! An absolute gem of a crime novel!' Allie Reynolds, author of Shiver
'Tense!' The Sun
'Clever and bold . . . Anything you think you know, you don't' Lisa Gardner, author of One Step Too Far
'A brilliant debut from an excellent new voice in the world of crime fiction' My Weekly


Martin Griffin

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