Martin Lopez

The Beginning

ebook Ausgabe. Empfohlen 12 bis 18 Jahre. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
ISBN 1977274706
EAN 9781977274700
Veröffentlicht Mai 2024
Verlag/Hersteller Outskirts Press

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The Beginning is a work of historical fiction which, though classified as young adult reading, is more accurately described as whole family enlightenment and interest. The ages of the characters span over a wide range, allowing readers of all ages to relate to the protagonists' experiences.
World War II provides the historical component of the story, specifically the landing of Allied forces on the Normandy coast on June 6, 1944, better known as D-Day - - - but this is only in the background. The real action is centered on the fictional Devereux family, not entirely aware of what is occurring around them as they struggle with everyday life during this period.
The village of St.Mere-Eglise near France's Normandy coast is the center of the action, which begins on Sunday, June 4. It presents a typical day under Nazi Germany occupation with the Devereux family preparing to attend Catholic services at the town's ancient church. An unexpected early morning visit by 19-year-old Jean Devereux, the oldest son of Paul-Henri and Maryse Devereux, sets a joyful mood for the day. Concern is also present, however, since Jean is a member of the French Resistance and there are German soldiers and Vichy sympathizers in town.
As the story evolves, it relates events or flashbacks about the remaining Devereux members, including Emilie, the fourteen-year-old only daughter and her best friend, Esther, a Jewish classmate. The other two Devereux brothers, Luc, 17, and Marc, 9, find themselves in the middle of a firefight between US Army paratroopers who jumped behind enemy lines in the early hours of the invasion, and occupying German soldiers. The Devereux parents, Paul-Henri and Maryse, give insight to their younger days by recalling past experiences.
Each day weaves Devereux events with invasion action until the story ends with an exciting climax on Wednesday, June 7, 1944. A final chapter summarizing the life of each of the main characters ten years later marks the end of the book.


The author resides in North Carolina with his wife and near his children and grandchildren. His previous two books, Time in the Zone and TNT (Twenty New Tales), reflect his experiences in the US Army Special Forces and while traveling extensively during his thirty-year career with the IBM Corporation.
The illustrator is married to the author and they live in Chapel Hill, North Carolina. After both graduated from Auburn University they often traveled together in South America and Europe. As a retired English and art teacher, as well as a history enthusiast, she collaborates greatly with the author in all his books.

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