Martin Sneider

Amy Unbound

ebook Ausgabe. 1. Auflage. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook , 416 Seiten
EAN 9798989776115
Veröffentlicht Juni 2024
Verlag/Hersteller Jewish Leaders Books

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Amy Feldman is at the epicenter of a storm as she confronts the indifference of her husband, Josh, whose personal demons and career obsession threaten to shatter their marriage.
Fueled by her determination to liberate herself from the ghosts of the past and an unfulfilling union, Amy seizes the momentous occasion of the inauguration of President Obama as the catalyst for her bold journey. Bidding farewell to her position at a prestigious St. Louis law firm, Amy redirects her passion toward social justice, igniting her transformative odyssey.
In the heart of the Chicago Alliance for Social Justice, Amy's commitment to her newfound purpose strains family ties in St. Louis, turning weekends at home into a battleground for a relationship on the brink. As she immerses herself in exciting new opportunities, both professional and intimate, in Chicago and Washington, Josh grapples with the harsh reality that their marriage hangs by a thread.
As Josh awakens to this, he is desperate to repair the rift. Facing the looming threat of losing Amy forever, he is confronted with a gut-wrenching choice-accept defeat or muster the strength to rebuild their connection. In a desperate bid to salvage what remains, he concocts a clever ploy to mend the rift with Amy. Yet, Amy, now discovering fulfillment and a burgeoning new love, stands at a pivotal crossroads.
The question looms large: Will Amy sacrifice her newfound career and romance, or will she be drawn back into the safe and potentially loving marriage with Josh, her best friend and lover since college? In Amy Unbound, you will witness the collision of love, ambition, family, and commitment as one extraordinary woman navigates the complex journey toward personal and professional fulfillment. The emotional landscape is tumultuous and the stakes are high in this page-turning exploration of Amy's unrelenting pursuit of happiness in this thrilling second installment of the Feldman Family Saga.


A fashion retailing legend, MARTIN SNEIDER has been a leader in the shoe and clothing industry for decades and has served as a multi-award-winning adjunct professor of retailing at the Olin school of Business at Washington University since 1992. At the Olin School of Business, Martin created and taught a course devoted to luxury goods merchandising and marketing that included trips with students to Milan, Paris, and London to visit the showrooms of Armani, Gucci, Louis Vuitton, Chanel, Burberry, and Cartier.A fourth-generation retailer, Martin started as a shoe salesman and rose to president, co-CEO, and chief merchant of one of the nation's largest fashion shoe and apparel specialty chains. He has served on the Alumni Board of Directors of Harvard Business School, is past chairman of St. Louis Children's Hospital, and received the Distinguished Alumni award from Washington University. He is the author of the highly acclaimed Toast, How a Leading Retailer Went From Toast of the Town to Just Plain Toast, a nonfiction book on the shoe industry, and Shelf Life, the first novel in the Feldman Family Saga series. Amy Unbound is his second novel of a projected series of five novels about fashion, fame and family. Martin has two children and four granddaughters and lives in St. Louis, Missouri, and New York City.

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