Mary Elizabeth Braddon

British Murder Mysteries - The Mary Elizabeth Braddon Collection

ebook Ausgabe. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook , 11908 Seiten
EAN 8596547385912
Veröffentlicht November 2022
Verlag/Hersteller DigiCat
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
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Mary Elizabeth Braddon's 'British Murder Mysteries - The Mary Elizabeth Braddon Collection' is a captivating anthology of classic murder mysteries that highlights the darker side of Victorian society. Braddon's literary style seamlessly blends elements of sensation fiction with intricate plot twists and complex characters, making for a truly gripping read that keeps readers on the edge of their seats. Set against the backdrop of 19th-century England, these tales explore themes of deception, betrayal, and passion, showcasing Braddon's mastery of the detective genre. Each story offers a unique insight into the criminal mind and the psychological motivations behind heinous acts of murder. Braddon's keen attention to detail and sharp wit bring these chilling mysteries to life, leaving readers guessing until the very end. Mary Elizabeth Braddon, a prominent Victorian novelist known for her sensational writing style, draws inspiration from real-life scandals and criminal cases to craft these thrilling narratives. Her exploration of the darker aspects of human nature and society's obsession with crime and punishment reflects the anxieties of the era and continues to resonate with modern audiences. Fans of classic detective fiction and Victorian literature will find Braddon's collection to be a fascinating and immersive reading experience that showcases her skill as a master storyteller.


Mary Elizabeth Braddon (1835-1915) was a leading figure of Victorian sensation fiction, famed for intertwining elements of gothic horror with the domestic realism of her day to explore the complexities of Victorian society. She was born in London and began her writing career in the theater, but it was through her prolific novel-writing that she achieved lasting fame. Her best-known work, 'Lady Audley's Secret' (1862), is a paradigm of the sensation genre, as it featured bigamy, insanity, and deception, drawing readers with its scandalous subject matter and suspenseful plot. As a female author in a male-dominated literary world, Braddon's works often contained subtle critiques of the gender inequalities and social expectations of her time. Her writing style was characterized by a sophisticated use of narrative tension and a masterful handling of plot devices, which she employed across her vast bibliography of over 80 novels, including 'Aurora Floyd' and 'The Doctor's Wife.' 'British Murder Mysteries - The Mary Elizabeth Braddon Collection' gathers some of her notable works in the genre, offering a glimpse into the darker corners of Victorian life and the anxieties that lurked beneath its polished surface. Braddon's influence extended beyond her own era, shaping the development of detective and crime fiction in the twentieth century. Her works remain a touchstone for scholars interested in the intersections of gender, genre, and social criticism in nineteenth-century literature.

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