Mary Elizabeth Braddon

MARY ELIZABETH BRADDON Ultimate Collection: Mystery Novels, Victorian Romances & Supernatural Tales

Lady Audley's Secret, Aurora Floyd, The Trail of the Serpent, Run to Earth. . Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook , 11908 Seiten
EAN 8596547717133
Veröffentlicht November 2023
Verlag/Hersteller DigiCat
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
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Mary Elizabeth Braddon's 'MARY ELIZABETH BRADDON Ultimate Collection: Mystery Novels, Victorian Romances & Supernatural Tales' is a comprehensive collection of the author's works spanning different genres. Known for her thrilling mystery novels and enchanting Victorian romances, Braddon's literary style captures the essence of the Victorian era with intricate plots, vivid characters, and a hint of supernatural elements. This collection showcases Braddon's versatility as a writer, appealing to readers interested in both suspenseful mysteries and heartwarming love stories of the 19th century. The inclusion of supernatural tales adds another layer of intrigue to the collection, highlighting Braddon's skill in blending the ordinary with the extraordinary. Readers will be transported to a bygone era filled with mystery, romance, and supernatural phenomena, making it a captivating read for fans of Victorian literature. Mary Elizabeth Braddon, a prolific Victorian writer, drew inspiration from her own life experiences and the societal norms of the time to create compelling narratives that resonate with readers even today. Her ability to seamlessly weave together different genres and explore the complexities of human relationships sets her apart as a prominent figure in Victorian literature. This collection of her works serves as a testament to Braddon's enduring legacy as a versatile and talented author. I highly recommend 'MARY ELIZABETH BRADDON Ultimate Collection' to those seeking a well-rounded reading experience filled with mystery, romance, and a touch of the supernatural.


Mary Elizabeth Braddon (1835-1915) was a pivotal figure in Victorian literature, celebrated for riveting sensation novels that captivated the imagination of her readers. As one of the foremost exponents of this genre, Braddon's work often explored themes of identity, crime, and women's place in society. Her prolific career spanned decades, contributing significantly to the popularity of sensation fiction during the Victorian era. Born in London, Braddon began writing professionally in her early twenties to support her family. Her breakthrough came with the novel 'Lady Audley's Secret' (1862), a work that secured her fame and resonated powerfully with the public for its thrilling blend of crime and domestic intrigue. The novel has since become a hallmark of sensation literature. Braddon's writing was distinguished by her keen psychological insight and her ability to weave intricate narratives. She went on to publish over 80 novels, with 'Aurora Floyd', 'The Doctor's Wife', and 'Vixen' being among her most acclaimed. The collection 'MARY ELIZABETH BRADDON Ultimate Collection: Mystery Novels, Victorian Romances & Supernatural Tales' encapsulates the breadth and depth of her literary contributions. A trailblazer in her field, Braddon challenged the social mores of her time and paved the way for generations of writers that followed. Her legacy is one of a renegade spirit whose narratives continue to be studied for their cultural and literary significance.

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