Mass Loss and Evolution of O-Type Stars -

Mass Loss and Evolution of O-Type Stars

Auflage 1979. 520 p. Sprache: Englisch. Dateigröße in MByte: 42.
pdf eBook , 520 Seiten
ISBN 9400994524
EAN 9789400994522
Veröffentlicht Dezember 2012
Verlag/Hersteller Springer

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The organization of this Symposium had its beginnings at the International Astronomical Union General Assembly in Grenoble in 1976. The initial "rounding up" of the Scienti­ fic Organizing Committee was begun by Drs. Snow and Swings; most of us who became the eventual organizing committee met a few times during the Assembly and formulated the essential outlines of the meeting. Extensive correspondence with all the committee subsequently established the program. The idea was to bring together both observers and theoreticians to discuss the stellar winds and mass loss rates and their effects on evolutions of O-type stars. On the observational side, there are now spectroscopic data from the far UV to the near IR regions concerning the stellar winds. There is also information about the free-free emission in the wind from the IR and radio portions of the spectrum. Fortunately, these different detection methods give more or less the same mass loss rate for the one star, s Pup" which has been observed at all wavelengths. One of the intents of the first three sessions of this Symposium is to outline the eXisting data on mass loss rates as it per­ tains to the O-type stars.

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