Mathew Miller, Sharon Perkins

Dad's Guide To Pregnancy For Dummies

ebook Ausgabe. 2. Auflage. E-Book. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook , 384 Seiten
ISBN 1118860454
EAN 9781118860458
Veröffentlicht Juni 2014
Verlag/Hersteller John Wiley & Sons

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Every father-to-be's handbook for knowing what to expect when
In today's world, men are more involved in their wives'
pregnancies than ever before. This 2nd Edition of Dad's
Guide to Pregnancy For Dummies gives new fathers a hands-on
guide that covers all of the logistical, physical, and emotional
aspects of pregnancy. It is a wealth of information on topics, such
as setting up the nursery, childbirth 101, and how to take care of
your newborn. The book includes ideas for knowing the right time to
break the news and the pregnancy timeline. Once the baby arrives,
this handbook gives you the low-down on what you can expect during
the first six months, such as how to change diapers and feed the
little one.
You'll also explore much more in-depth topics such as the new
technology behind ultrasounds, and the information that is gleaned
from them, the lowdown on vaccination updates, information to take
the fear out of cesarean sections, tips on prenatal depression, new
developments on infertility treatments, and so much more!
* Helps to take the fear out of fatherhood with down-to-earth
advice and information
* Reveals how smoking leads to development problems and the
possible dangers of e-cigarettes
* Shows new dads a playbook for how they can help throughout the
pregnancy and during the delivery
* Offers practical tips for chronicling baby's life from
ultrasound to year one
If you're going to be a new dad, this is a survival guide of
what to expect as your bundle of joy is on the way is the complete,
easy-to-read resource for preparing with your partner.

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