Matt Dobkin

I Never Loved a Man the Way I Love You

Aretha Franklin, Respect, and the Making of a Soul Music Masterpiece. Includes sixteen pages of black-and-white photographs. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook , 272 Seiten
ISBN 1466862785
EAN 9781466862784
Veröffentlicht Januar 2014
Verlag/Hersteller St. Martin's Press

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I Never Loved a Man the Way I Loved You: Aretha Franklin, Respect, and the Making of a Soul Music Masterpiece presents the remarkable story of how The Queen of Soul created what Rolling Stone called "the greatest soul album ever made."
The album she recorded that earned soul legend Aretha Franklin her first major hits after eleven previous efforts, I Never Loved A Man the Way I Loved You was a pop and soul music milestone. Apart from its status as a #1 hit record, the album also had a much wider cultural impact. By early 1967, when the album was released, the Civil Rights Movement was well underway; Aretha's music gave it its theme song. And the #1 Billboard pop chart single "Respect"-written by Otis Redding-not only won two Grammys for best R&B recording and best R&B solo female vocal performance, it became a passionate call to arms for the burgeoning feminist movement.
Matt Dobkin has unearthed a wonderful story of the creation of an album that goes far beyond anything that's been written about Aretha before. With scores of interviews-including ones with Atlantic Records' famed producer Jerry Wexler, and the Muscle Shoals session musicians who recorded with Aretha-I Never Loved A Man the Way I Love You is the story of a great artistic achievement. It's also the story of a star who is both more complex and determined than her modern image as a diva indicates.


Matt Dobkin; Foreword by Nikki Giovanni

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