Matthew Benns

The Dying Diplomats Club

A Nick & La Contessa Mystery. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook , 288 Seiten
ISBN 1460713575
EAN 9781460713570
Veröffentlicht Juni 2021
Verlag/Hersteller HarperCollins
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
6,49 inkl. MwSt.
Sofort Lieferbar (Download)

'Down Under's funniest detectives shoot from the lip with a wit as dry as their martinis' Kathy Lette A brand new mystery featuring Nick and La Contessa, the beloved characters from Matthew Benns' smash hit nationwide newspaper serial.
'Time for a martini, darling?' Wise-cracking, cocktail-swilling detective duo Nick Moore and his glamorous Italian wife, La Contessa, receive a last minute invitation from the Prime Minister to a glamorous but intimate dinner party at Kirribilli House on New Year's Eve. The intriguing guestlist includes several top diplomats, a casino billionaire, a dodgy bookie, a controversial doctor, a social media influencer and, of course, Nick and La Contessa's trusty beagle, Baxter. But a dramatic revelation from the PM sets off more fireworks inside than outside ... and that's before the bodies start to pile up. As suspicion falls on some of the most powerful people in the country, the race is on. Can Nick and La Contessa solve the case before anyone else joins the dying diplomats' club? Bonus story included! Go back to where it all began with Nick and La Contessa's first adventure in the smash hit newspaper serial We're All In This Together.


Matthew Benns has spent his career as a journalist chasing and exposing some of the biggest conmen and women in the world. He has worked for newspapers in Fleet Street including The Sun, Today and Daily Mail and in Sydney for The Daily and Sunday Telegraphs and The Sun Herald.He is also the author of a number of books including bestsellers The Men Who Killed Qantas and Fixed, an expose of the seedy underbelly of the horse racing industry in Australia. His 2011 book, Dirty Money, was number one on the business books bestseller list and described by investigative journalist John Pilger as 'a terrific book - the first of its kind in Australia'. He is currently the Editor-at-Large at The Daily Telegraph.

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