Matthew S. Cox

Emma and the Elixir of Madness (Tales of Widowswood, #4)

ebook Ausgabe. Empfohlen 9 bis 12 Jahre. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
ISBN 1949174786
EAN 9781949174786
Veröffentlicht November 2018
Verlag/Hersteller Division Zero Press
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
3,99 inkl. MwSt.
Sofort Lieferbar (Download)

Emma tries to balance her newfound abilities as a druid with only being ten years old. Chores and having to go inside before dark leaves only a few hours a day to save the forest―or at least her home town.
Strange magic plagues the people of Widowswood Village. None of the adults take it seriously, as the effects are short-lived and whimsical. Emma suspects something darker is going on, having listened to Nan's tales of night pixies who aren't as nice as the Silverbells. Convinced someone or something wishes ill upon her home, she decides to do what the adults won't.
Amid the chaos, the daughter of a wealthy gem merchant goes missing. Emma's father and the entire Widowswood Watch spend all their time searching for the abducted girl. Worse, a bully blames Emma for the girl's disappearance, but after dealing with a banderwigh and the silk thieves, he doesn't scare her at all-until he turns violent.
Emma knows everything is connected, and isn't about to let a mean-spirited older boy stop her from protecting her home.


Matthew has been creating science fiction and fantasy worlds for most of his reasoning life, which early on, took the form of roleplaying game settings. Since 1996, he has developed the "Divergent Fates" world, in which Division Zero, Virtual Immortality, The Awakened Series, The Harmony Paradox, and the Daughter of Mars series take place.
Matthew is an avid gamer, a recovered WoW addict, Gamemaster for two custom systems, and a fan of anime, British humour, and intellectual science fiction that questions the nature of reality, life, and what happens after it.
He is also fond of cats.

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