Megan Linski

Rhodi's Light (The Rhodi Saga, #1)

ebook Ausgabe. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
ISBN 1533739862
EAN 9781533739865
Veröffentlicht September 2016
Verlag/Hersteller Gryfyn Publishing
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
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USA TODAY BESTSELLING AUTHOR Megan Linski composes a young adult urban fantasy about found family, epic battles, and extraordinary magic.
Warriors are forged in darkness.
Teenage criminal Dylan and her twin brother Devin are struggling to survive the streets.
After an attempt to steal food goes horribly wrong, the twins are offered a deal. Their needs will be provided for if they join the ranks of the Rhodi. This elite group of supernatural warriors battle against the Hunter's Guild, a dark force that is threatening to destroy their world. Adorned with incredible gifts, the Rhodi can fly, transform into animals, and even foresee the future. As the last line of defense against darkness, the Rhodi must band together to stop the Guild using a combination of martial arts and magic.
Devin loves his new life among the ranks of the Rhodi, excelling in his studies and abilities. However, Dylan struggles to discover her powers, and her identity within the faction. Her depression, grief and pain are marked by a new scar on her wrist each time she fails- a secret she knows would deeply hurt her Rhodi master, who strives to become the father she lost.
To transform into the warrior she desires to be, and defeat the Hunter's Guild, Dylan must learn to accept herself for who she is, and forgive herself for past mistakes. But the Rhodi are hiding secrets… secrets that prove dangerous to keep.
If they're going to win the war, the Rhodi must come together, and learn to trust each other. There is undiscovered power hiding within Dylan, and to save the world, that power must come into the light.
Rhodi's Light is a tragic fantasy full of broken and beautiful characters. This inspiring young adult novel centers around themes of recovering from trauma, finding your family, and discovering the light within yourself. This is the first book in the Rhodi Saga.


Megan Linski is the owner of Gryfyn Publishing and has had a passion for writing ever since she completed her first (short) novel at the age of 6. Her specializations are romance, fantasy, and contemporary fiction for people aged 14-24. When not writing she enjoys ice skating, horse riding, theatre, archery, fishing, and being outdoors. She is a passionate advocate for mental health awareness and suicide prevention, and is an active fighter against common variable immune deficiency disorder. She lives in Michigan.
Megan Linski also writes under the pen name of Natalie Erin for the Creatures of the Lands Series, co-authored with Krisen Lison.

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