Melanie Richardson Dundy

The Oregon Trail

Ollie's Great Adventure. Empfohlen 8 bis 12 Jahre. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook , 66 Seiten
ISBN 1088057004
EAN 9781088057001
Veröffentlicht August 2022
Verlag/Hersteller MDCT Publishing
4,99 inkl. MwSt.
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Reviewed and endorsed by The Oregon-California Trails Association (OCTA), the End of the Trail Interpretive Center and Museum in Oregon City, and
First Place Winner of the Purple Dragonfly Book Award for Historical Fiction (2019).
Who better to narrate the historic adventure of the Oregon Trail than the dedicated (and humorous) ox pulling the covered wagon from Missouri to Oregon in 1843.
This informative children's story is narrated by Ollie, the ox pulling the covered wagon for six months over 2,000 miles. He pulls the wagon and the Tyler family, Mr. and Mrs. Tyler and their son, Johnny, on the six-month journey. Ollie Ox shares spellbinding adventures of climbing and descending steep hills, making dangerous river crossings, and meeting and trading with various Indian tribes.
Beautiful photographs of well-known trail landmarks - Ash Hollow, Courthouse Rock, Chimney Rock, Independence Rock, Devil's Gate and others - appear throughout the book along with beautiful watercolors by William Henry Jackson.
Included is a map from which children can learn, lists of supplies the Tylers needed for the trip, and details about covered wagons.
It is estimated that 500,000 people made the 2,000 mile trek from Missouri to Oregon. Of that number about 40,000 were children.
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Melanie Dundy studied writing at Southern Illinois University and the University of Iowa. She currently lives in Oregon with her husband and 2 dogs.
"I have been fascinated by the story of the Oregon Trail since I was a child growing up just outside of Chicago. It's one part of history that belongs to children as much as it does adults since 40,000 children made the journey from Missouri to Oregon.
I started writing children's books years ago when my son was dealing with some temporary physical problems that caused him to experience things differently from other children. I wrote books for him and enjoyed it so much that I just kept writing and writing.

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