Melanie Schatzel

From Shutter To Story 's Devotional: Daily Scenes & Simple Things

ebook Ausgabe. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
ISBN 1312116471
EAN 9781312116474
Veröffentlicht April 2024
Übersetzer Fotos von Melanie Schatzel
7,48 inkl. MwSt.
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This is the first book in a series of inspirational devotionals highlighting themes of interest for teens and adults who are seeking faith-based inspiration. Written by published author Melanie Schatzel, M.Ed. upon encouragement from her husband and teen sons to teach in a way that personalizes prayer, scripture study, and personalized answers from the Lord. Each book in the series includes a sweet devotional, never-before-seen photography from the author, original words in a fresh, inspiring poem, and a selection of scriptures referenced for further personal study by the reader. The series is a collection of new original works from the author/publisher through From Shutter To Story's Devotional books. This first book in the series asks readers to look at the world through a more eternal perspective where the simple scenes seen in our daily lives are intended to help inspire, enrich, encourage, comfort, and more. Designed to encourage all Christian believers to review their own faith's reflection in their lives and to shine their light of Christ for others to see in them, every new day. In From Shutter To Story's Devotional: Daily Scenes and Simple Things, the author shares her personal pattern of including the Lord and scriptures have helped inspire her to look at everyday scenes in a new light. Praised by her teen readers, and others, this author and photographer is personal, insightful, and delightful as she delves into faith with a sweet sense of joy and appreciation for daily blessings.


From the author of Twelves Stories Before Christmas: Inspirational Stories for All Ages! Comes a new faith-based series of books. Included are new photographs taken by Melanie Schatzel through From Shutter To Story, a small business in Nevada.

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