Melissa Auclair

Creating a Simply Joyous Christmas

ebook Ausgabe. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
ISBN 1386663204
EAN 9781386663201
Veröffentlicht November 2018
Verlag/Hersteller AuClair Publishing
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
2,99 inkl. MwSt.
Sofort Lieferbar (Download)

What do you want to do to make Christmas special and memorable? Go caroling with friends? Throw a Christmas party? Make gifts with all the pictures you've taken? Have time to spend with the people you love?
If you have a creative bent, there's no better time to do something with your creativity than during the Christmas season. Whether your skill lies towards watercolors, photography, baking, decorating or throwing a party, you've got exactly what it takes to create a fabulous Christmas.
Don't let circumstances (or feeling like you don't have enough time) keep you from having a great holiday.
Create a fabulous Christmas, lovely handmade gifts, and be ready with a plate of cookies for Santa even with less than two weeks to The Big Day.
It comes down to throwing out the detail (that means you can toss the 42-point to-do list), get some focus, turn on Nat King Cole and get creating.
In this quick read, Creating a Simply Joyous Christmas, you'll discover:Why it's easy to do things at the last minute at ChristmasDirections for an easy Christmas map: your go to direction guide for the week before ChristmasHow to "batch" gifts to make more with less timeEasy Ways to throw a Christmas party in less than 48 hoursFun icebreaker games for the Christmas partyWhy Winter Wreaths are Seven Times better than Christmas wreathsMore than 30 gifts to make and give
Merry Christmas and Happy Creating!


There's a lot to love about the holidays, but the stress and too-much-to-do-busyness I can do without!
After several years of trying to do it all, I jumped off the holiday craziness and initiated a re-do in my holiday practices.
It's my goal to encourage you to say no to the unnecessary, say yes to the most important and reclaim the holiday season -from Thanksgiving to New Year's- as the most wonderful time of the year.
When it's not the holiday season, I help busy women experience more creativity and beauty-filled lives with art and lifestyle classes and workshops.
Get inspired in your own journaling and painting, take a free mini-workshop, see the selection of classes and more at
You can also say hello to me on Instagram @melissa_auclair

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