Melissa Auclair

Don't Let Christmas Kill You

ebook Ausgabe. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
ISBN 1386999660
EAN 9781386999669
Veröffentlicht November 2018
Verlag/Hersteller Melissa AuClair
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
4,49 inkl. MwSt.
Sofort Lieferbar (Download)

We know Christmas won't really kill us, but every year gets close. Constant activity, increasing demands, and an "always on" mentality added to the expectations of the holiday season makes the calmest of women feel like she's going a bit bonkers.
A few years ago, I had enough of the madness. I wanted to really celebrate Christmas and experience the wonder and joy of past years. I didn't get a response from Mrs. Claus, but through trial and error, I discovered creative solutions that began to bring back the merry.
Discover the simple practices to bring back the joy. We can't get rid of all the stress, but we can learn how to handle it and still experience the thrill of Christmas.


There's a lot to love about the holidays, but the stress and too-much-to-do-busyness I can do without!
After several years of trying to do it all, I jumped off the holiday craziness and initiated a re-do in my holiday practices.
It's my goal to encourage you to say no to the unnecessary, say yes to the most important and reclaim the holiday season -from Thanksgiving to New Year's- as the most wonderful time of the year.
When it's not the holiday season, I help busy women experience more creativity and beauty-filled lives with art and lifestyle classes and workshops.
Get inspired in your own journaling and painting, take a free mini-workshop, see the selection of classes and more at
You can also say hello to me on Instagram @melissa_auclair

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