Michael M. Sisson, Mark Greger

The Science of Keto Diet + Intermittent Fasting + Mediterranean Diet

A Simple Beginner's Bundle to Reboot Your Metabolism, Activate Autophagy & Live Healthily Without Suffering. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook , 150 Seiten
ISBN 1646154312
EAN 9781646154319
Veröffentlicht Juni 2019
Verlag/Hersteller The One Drive Publishing
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
7,49 inkl. MwSt.
Sofort Lieferbar (Download)

Would You Like to Firm Up Your Beach Body FAST and Effortlessly?
Even if you've...
Tried the latest fad diets and failed miserably...
Stopped trying to lose weight...
Always told yourself that you're "big boned" and you know the truth...
All these stops NOW.
It has been said that six-packs are made in the kitchen, not in the gym...
Let's not even talk about six-packs, let's talk about a healthy and lean body that you'll look in the mirror and smile at.
Think about it...
No matter how hard you've worked out, or not worked out...
Nothing's going to work unless you eat the right food, at the right portion, at the right time!
And choosing a diet isn't like choosing to eat Canadian cuisine or Mexican cuisine...
It's more than that.
Here's a Hint: Don't Choose a Diet Which You KNOW You Will NOT Enjoy!
If I told you I would give you a million dollar tomorrow if you lost 10 kg tomorrow, could you do it?
If you said impossible...
Not true...
Choosing a workout plan or diet that is ATTAINABLE but not SUSTAINABLE is useless.
You need to explore and know about the different diets that are available for you.
Makes sense?
That is why we've combined these 3 books up that introduces you to Keto Diet, Intermittent Fasting and Mediterranean Diet...
Here's what you'll be receiving:
The Science of Keto Diet: A Simple Beginner's Guide to Enhance Mental Clarity, Balance Hormones & Reboot Your Metabolism
The Science of Intermittent Fasting: A Simple Beginner's Guide to Heal Your Body, Activate the Self-Cleansing Process of Autophagy & Burn the Unwanted Stubborn Fats
The Science of Mediterranean Diet: A Simple Beginner's Guide to Burn Fat, Lose Weight & Live Healthily Without Suffering
Do you understand what you're going to receive when you make this single purchase?
If Yes, Great!
Look: "You Can't Enjoy Wealth If You're Not In Good Health"
Are you ready to take back control of your health?
Would You Like to Know More?
Download now to discover more about these 3 books that could create a breakthrough in your health, energy, vitality and confidence.
Scroll to the top of the page and select the buy now button.

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