Michael P. King

The Computer Heist (The Travelers, #2)

ebook Ausgabe. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
ISBN 0986179612
EAN 9780986179617
Veröffentlicht März 2016
Verlag/Hersteller Blurred Lines Press
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
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"King strikes another vein of modern noir gold...."—Kirkus Reviews
The Travelers, husband and wife con artists, agree to steal a newly developed data-mining program—a simple, lucrative job. Instead, they find they've been sucked into a poorly-planned scam where all the players have their own underhanded agendas.
Who's really calling the shots? Their employer? Her boss? Or the local crime lord? It's a maze of treachery and betrayal. Can the Travelers stay ahead of the competition and the cops long enough to escape with the loot?
The Computer Heist is a high-octane crime thriller that will keep you guessing until the very end. If you like fast-paced action, surprising plot twists, and criminal mischief, then you'll love the second installment of Michael P. King's Travelers series.
Click now to start this stay-up-too-late page turner.
"Five-plus stars to The Computer Heist. It's a worthy addition to this excellent series of offbeat mysteries, spun by the talented mind of this prolific author. Can't wait for Joe and Tess' next adventure."—Publishers Daily Reviews
The Travelers crime thrillers contain profanity, violence, and sexual situations typical of the genre and similar to R rated movies.


If you're looking for fast-paced, action-packed crime thrillers, you've come to the right place. These are not Good Guy vs Bad Guy thrillers. These are straight up criminal mischief.
How many times have you heard or read a news report that made you think, "You just can't make this stuff up. What could they possibly have been thinking?" Sometimes people make decisions that lead to unintended consequences simply because they want to take what they think is the easy way out or a shortcut to wealth or fame. I'm fascinated by this tendency, and it's the jumping off place for my fiction.
I'm a Kirkus Reviews critically acclaimed crime fiction author. I'm currently working on a series of thrillers featuring a husband and wife team of con artists, the Travelers, who specialize in stealing from other criminals. The Double Cross, The Traveling Man, The Computer Heist, The Blackmail Photos, The Freeport Robbery, The Kidnap Victim, The Murder Run, The Casino Switcheroo, and Thicker Than Thieves are out now.

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