Michelle Hollingsworth


ebook Ausgabe. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
EAN 9798989308903
Veröffentlicht April 2024
Verlag/Hersteller Workhearter Press
Familienlizenz Family Sharing

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Our greatest calling is guiding others to know more about Christ and His gift of salvation. We sometimes think only theology experts can do this, but God calls all of us to help others by using our gifts.
The blessing of motherhood is a one such gift. While we are busy caring for the daily life of another human being, we also carry the burden of training up our children in God's Word. This weight can feel heavy, like an assignment we can't possibly pull off between making mac and cheese, combing out pigtails, and spinning plates of work, family, and community. There is good news in the midst of the busyness: We have what we need. The best instruction book we receive in life for parenthood is from God Himself. Every day is different, every child is unique but God's Word never changes. As adults, we go through changes as we age and grow in wisdom and experience. Likewise, our children go through seasons of change as they grow and continually learn. The seasons of life we go through ourselves and with our children do not follow the patterns we have grown accustomed to with the weather outside. As mothers, we can take solace in the fact that we may weather any season with Jesus as our helper. It is encouraging to know we are never alone in the forced rest of the bitter cold days of winter, the blooming, rainy days of spring, the hot, humid days of summer, or the rapidly-changing days that come with the finality of fall.
WorkHearter invites readers to anchor every season in the One who created them all. Michelle Hollingsworth is a gentle and trusted friend along all parts of the journey, encouraging moms to remember who and Whose they are every day, every moment. This devotional provides a resounding note of hope for each day, no matter the season of life, God's word never fails to assist us daily.

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