Mo Hayder

The Devil of Nanking

an extraordinary, electrifying thriller by one of Britain's bestselling crime-writers. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
ISBN 1407066730
EAN 9781407066738
Veröffentlicht Februar 2010
Verlag/Hersteller Transworld Digital
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
8,99 inkl. MwSt.
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Fans of Stephen King, Stuart MacBride and Karin Slaughter will devour this warped and brutally bloodthirstly thriller from bestselling and prize-winning author Mo Hayder. Deeply haunting, this will stay with you well after the final page is turned...
'Haunting, lyrical, disturbing, important, suspenseful and wonderfully written' -- HARLAN COBEN
'Left me stunned and haunted. This is writing of breathtaking power and poetry' --
'Couldn't put it down' -- * Reader review
'One of the best books I have read in a long time' -- * Reader review
'Weird, creepy, vile......brilliant!!!!!' -- * Reader review
'An absolutely brilliant book. Read it NOW!' -- * Reader review
1990: Tokyo
Grey Hutchins is in pursuit of an obsession. She is searching for a piece of film taken during the infamous Nanking massacre of 1937. Some say it never existed. Grey is certain that it does, and that it lies hidden - somewhere in Tokyo.
Alone in an alien city, Grey becomes a hostess in an exclusive club catering for Japanese businessmen - and gangsters. One gangster dominates - an old man in a wheelchair surrounded by a terrifying entourage - who is rumoured to rely on a powerful elixir for his continued health. It is an elixir that others want - at any price ...
Previously published as Tokyo, The Devil of Nanking is a literary thriller of the highest order. With its heady atmosphere of overt violence, lurking fear and sexual tension, this is a novel that takes hold of the reader and does not let go until its explosive final pages.


Mo Hayder

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