Morgan Llywelyn

Finn Mac Cool

The epic story of Ireland's greatest hero. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook , 300 Seiten
ISBN 1788637208
EAN 9781788637206
Veröffentlicht Oktober 2019
Verlag/Hersteller Canelo Adventure
2,49 inkl. MwSt.
Sofort Lieferbar (Download)

Somewhere in the shadowlands between myth and history wanders a warrior poet who transformed a nation...
Finn has always been an outsider. The son of a disgraced druid and an outlaw who defied a High King, he is raised in secrecy by foster mothers who train him to hunt and kill.
When Finn is apprenticed to a local bard, he finds strength and solace in the sorcery of poetry, and for the first time dares to dream of something more than the hand the gods dealt him.
As soon as he learns of the legendary warriors of the Fianna, the army his father lost along with his life, Finn longs to reclaim his honour and heritage as their rightful leader.
This is a spellbinding historical adventure of an iconic Celtic folk hero, perfect for fans of Bernard Cornwell and Juliet Marillier.Praise for Finn Mac Cool
'This is vintage Llywelyn, full of colour and poetry and the wonderful flavour of real Irish speech' Booklist
'She exhibits a mastery of complex, emotional themes' Irish American Post
'The reader remains captivated from first page to last' Jean M. Auel, bestselling author of the beloved Earth's Children series
'She writes about ancient Ireland as if she just had breakfast there' Parke Godwin, World Fantasy Award-winning SFF author
'Morgan Llywelyn is surely the modern-day Bard of the Irish' Beatrice Small, bestselling historical romance author
'One of my all-time favourite authors' Jude Deveraux, bestselling historical romance author
'The best there is in the field of historical fiction' Jennifer Wilde, bestselling gothic romance author


New York Times-bestselling author Morgan Llywelyn was born in New York City to an Irish father and Welsh-Irish mother. She is an Irish-American historical novelist with a career spanning over thirty years. Over the course of twenty-six award winning novels she has created an outstanding body of work which was recognised with the Exceptional Celtic Woman of the Year Award from Celtic Women International in 1999.

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