Nadia Ali

Humphrey the Egg-Splorer

ebook Ausgabe. Empfohlen 4 bis 8 Jahre. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
ISBN 1953458580
EAN 9781953458582
Veröffentlicht April 2023
Verlag/Hersteller Yeehoo Press

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A rollicking story that expands the famous tale of a fragile egg to a new story about bravery, creativity, and forging your own path.
Eggs are fragile and bought specifically to be cracked. . . but what if they don't want to be cracked and have their own ambitions and goals for life like becoming a great egg-splorer? Humphrey has long known the cautionary tale of his grandfather, Humpty Dumpty. Being an egg means he can easily slip and crack at any time . . . but what does that mean for his dreams of becoming an egg-splorer and going on grand adventures?
But Humphrey is determined, and he'll do whatever it takes to become a brave adventurer-even if that means putting himself through the fieriest trials to get there.
Inspired by the beloved nursery rhyme, author Nadia Ali and artist Valentí Gubianas deliver a rollicking story that expands the famous tale of a fragile egg to a new story about bravery, creativity, and forging your own path.


Nadia Ali is a children's book author. She writes fiction and nonfiction picture books. Her stories range from funny to fanciful to factual. She has always had a love for books and hopes that her stories inspire future generations of book lovers. She was born in London, UK and currently resides in the Caribbean where she happily swapped out London's grey skies for clear blue skies. She lives with her husband and has two married daughters. When she is not writing she can be found in the kitchen whipping up a super sweet dessert.

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