Badiou, Balibar, Ranciere - Nick Hewlett

Nick Hewlett

Badiou, Balibar, Ranciere

Re-thinking Emancipation. 1. Auflage. Ebook (PDF). Sprache: Englisch. Dateigröße in MByte: 9.
pdf eBook , 208 Seiten
ISBN 1441192727
EAN 9781441192721
Veröffentlicht Oktober 2007
Verlag/Hersteller Continuum
42,99 inkl. MwSt.
Sofort Lieferbar (Download)

In recent years there has been increased interest in three contemporary French philosophers, all former students of Louis Althusser and each now an influential thinker in his own right. Alain Badiou is one of the most important living continental thinkers, well-known for his pioneering theory of the Event. Etienne Balibar has forged new approaches to democracy, citizenship and what he describes as 'equaliberty'. Jacques Rancière has crossed boundaries between history, politics and aesthetics and his work is beginning to receive the attention it deserves. Nick Hewlett brings these three thinkers together, examining the political aspects of their work. He argues that in each of their systems there are useful and insightful elements that make real contributions to the understanding of the modern history of politics and to the understanding of contemporary politics. But he also identifies and explores problems in each of Badiou, Balibar and Rancière's work, arguing that none offers a wholly convincing approach. This is a must-have for students of contemporary continental philosophy.


Nick Hewlett is Professor of French Studies and Chair of the Department at the University of Warwick, UK. His previous publications include Modern French Politics (Polity Press, 1998), Contemporary France: Politics, Economics and Society Since 1945 (with Jill Forbes and François Nectoux, Longman, 2000) and Democracy in Modern France (Continuum, 2003).


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