Nicolas Wilson

The Singularity

ebook Ausgabe. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
ISBN 1536521442
EAN 9781536521443
Veröffentlicht Juli 2016
Verlag/Hersteller Nicolas Wilson
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
3,75 inkl. MwSt.
Sofort Lieferbar (Download)

Dr. Claire Bank's career has largely been a joke. She's derided by her colleagues for chasing a molecular component that may enable time travel, and has yet to definitively prove it exists. But when she discovers a molecular singularity inside the head of a man, Chris Mereta, hospitalized for dementia, her work kicks into overdrive.
As Chris' doctor and family wrestle with Chris' hit-or-miss lucidity, and the very real threat the singularity poses to his health, Claire will walk a fine line between the work she was born to do, and endangering the life of a man who has become a friend.
This thought-provoking science fiction romance explores the nature of the human experience, when time is not linear, and mistakes need not be final.


Nicolas Wilson is a published journalist, graphic novelist, and novelist. He lives in the rainy wastes of Portland, Oregon with his wife, four cats and a dog.
Nic's work spans a variety of genres, from political thriller to science fiction and urban fantasy. He has several novels currently available, and many more due for release in the next year. Nic's stories are characterized by his eye for the absurd, the off-color, and the bombastic.
For information on Nic's books, and behind-the-scenes looks at his writing, visit

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