Niki Bezzant

The Everything Guide

Hormones, health and happiness in menopause, midlife and beyond. Main - eBook edition. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook , 304 Seiten
ISBN 1776953916
EAN 9781776953912
Veröffentlicht April 2024
Verlag/Hersteller Penguin Random House NZ
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
15,99 inkl. MwSt.
Sofort Lieferbar (Download)

Feel your best - for the rest of your life.
The essential new book from bestselling health writer and trusted menopause advocate Niki Bezzant, author of This Changes Everything.
In The Everything Guide, Niki brings together her decades of research and writing about food, exercise and personal health with the very latest, evidence-based expert advice in an informative, practical, easy-to-read (and always honest!) must-have manual for every woman in midlife and beyond.
Niki re-frames ageing for a new generation, tackling body image struggles; mental health challenges; feeling 'lost' in midlife and re-connecting with ourselves during a time of hormonal transition. The book is also packed with easy-to-follow, practical advice on eating, movement, stress, energy, sleep and more.
With no fads and no bullshit, this is an inspiring guide full of long-term strategies for feeling great in your body and mind. The Everything Guide really does contain everything every woman needs to feel great now and for the decades to come.
Includes: Loving the skin you're in - What's going on in a midlife body - How to move - Changing how we think about food - But what shall I eat? - The thing about weight - Disordered eating: a midlife trap - Filling your cup: stress, energy, fatigue and mood - Sexuality, intimacy and desire - On the outside . . . aesthetic stuff - Clothing and style - On the inside: finding yourself (and finding the joy).


Niki Bezzant is a New Zealand writer, journalist, editor and commentator who has built a reputation for translating complex health and science jargon into easy-to-understand information for everyone over more than 20 years. A trusted advocate and sought-after speaker on menopause, perimenopause and midlife, Niki is passionate about women's health, especially empowering midlife women to become vibrant, kick-ass old ladies. She now spends much of her time on menopause education and awareness in workplaces and communities.
Niki's career in publishing saw her found and edit Cuisine online, and as founding editor, she took Healthy Food Guide magazine from indie start-up to New Zealand's top-selling food magazine, a position it held for over a decade. She is a frequent contributor to New Zealand's top print, online and broadcast media including the NZ Listener, RNZ, Good magazine and Newstalk ZB. Niki's first, and bestselling, menopause guide This Changes Everything was published by Penguin Random House in 2022.

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