Noel Fitzpatrick

Vetman and his Bionic Animal Clan

An amazing animal adventure from the nation's favourite Supervet. Empfohlen ab 9 Jahre. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
ISBN 1444965921
EAN 9781444965926
Veröffentlicht Oktober 2021
Verlag/Hersteller Hodder Children's Books
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
3,99 inkl. MwSt.
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Join Vetman, Imogen, Findlay and a whole cast of incredible bionic animals as they save animal companions everywhere from the evil plans of The Man With No Name - just in time for Christmas! An amazing animal adventure for readers aged 7-11 from Noel Fitzpatrick, Channel 4's SUPERVET.
Vetman lives in a cottage outside a sleepy English village, where nobody realises that he's saving animals in incredible, bionic ways - except the animals themselves, of course!
But trouble is brewing... because Vetman's old foe, The Man With No Name, has set up camp nearby and plans to poison dogs and cats across the land, ruining Christmas for everyone.
Imogen and Findlay stumble across an injured hedgehog and take him to Vetman's door, they have no idea that they are about to embark on an important mission to save more than just their spiky new friend.
Together with Vetman and his brave bionic animal clan, they must take down The Man With No Name!
This is the perfect Christmas escapade for animal and adventure lovers everywhere, in a bright, fun hardback package ideal for gifting. It is Noel Fitzpatrick's first book for younger readers, following his Sunday Times Bestselling memoirs Listening to the Animals: Becoming the Supervet and How Animals Saved My Life: Being the Supervet. Black-and-white illustrations bring the story to life.


Noel Fitzpatrick, illustrated by James Lancett

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