A Clinical Application of Bion's Concepts - P. C. Sandler

P. C. Sandler

A Clinical Application of Bion's Concepts

Dreaming, Transformation, Containment and Change. 1. Auflage. Sprache: Englisch. Dateigröße in MByte: 1.
pdf eBook , 392 Seiten
ISBN 0429896026
EAN 9780429896026
Veröffentlicht Juni 2018
Verlag/Hersteller Taylor & Francis

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This work depicts clinical applications stemming from Dr Wilfred Ruprecht Bion's contributions to psychoanalysis. It may be used as a practical companion to The Language of Bion: A Dictionary of Concepts also by P.C. Sandler. Both constitute a natural arrangement of Bion's concepts; "natural" being the help the selected concepts may provide to any analyst who understands and uses the observations underlying the concepts effectively in his or her everyday clinical work. It also contains expansions of Bion's concepts arising out of clinical observations, made possible by those very contributions - a common-sense invariant in science. Universes of hitherto unknown - but existing - facts are observed, and through observation and application expanding universes are unlocked to consciousness (and therefore awareness). Some chapters will help the reader understand Bion's original concepts and apply them in clinical practice. Other chapters are more explicit and go beyond what was adumbrated or indicated by Bion, in the light of phenomena observed against the background of Bion's contributions. These chapters also indicate the intertwined nature of his contributions.


Sandler, P.C.

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