P. D. Nelson

The School of Hard Knocks

ebook Ausgabe. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook , 284 Seiten
EAN 6610000156504
Veröffentlicht März 2019
Verlag/Hersteller PublishDrive
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
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In the '80s, and after two decades of calm, the slow thaw between Sydney's two ruling underworld families has just ended after nine dealers are gunned down in cold blood by one of their own. Divide and conquer, but someone still needed to take the hit, they just picked the wrong man.
After 10 toxic years in foster care, with no family, no friends and no future, Jack Kelly was the perfect patsy, and soon his life would become a disposable asset in a gang war with no rules. That was until he is handed a photo of a teenage girl being held hostage that could be a sister he has never met.
Against all odds, he knew he needed to tackle this problem head-on. Out of the depths of his despair, he would challenge himself to rise above the spineless acts of others and embark on a journey to seek his retribution. This debt needed to be settled on his terms and within his chosen time-frame.
In Kelly's life, there is no grey. Take your best shot, but you better not miss. Bloodlines are forever, and payback is a promise written in another man's blood. For the hunted to become the hunter, patience was the key.
With just his street smarts and a heart already shot to pieces, can Kelly stay alive long enough to unravel an unknown past cruelly ripped away by the actions of his own mother?
If you enjoy backing the underdog, the first book in The Man Called Kelly Series won't disappoint. You can get stuck into it right now.

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