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The Borrow a Boyfriend Club

a hilarious and heartwarming queer YA rom-com. Empfohlen ab 13 Jahre. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
ISBN 144496836X
EAN 9781444968361
Veröffentlicht September 2023
Verlag/Hersteller Hodder Children's Books
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
3,99 inkl. MwSt.
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A heartwarming and hilarious YA rom-com about a trans boy who concocts the perfect plan to ensure his new school sees his true gender, by joining the secret 'Borrow a Boyfriend Club.' The first rule: don't fall in love. Perfect for fans of Only Mostly Devastated and Red White and Royal Blue.
Need a prom date? Want to impress your friends? Or make your ex jealous? Just call ...
When sixteen-year-old Noah starts at a new school, he has a plan to ensure the students see him as his true gender: join the school's secretive Borrow a Boyfriend Club, where members rent themselves out to their classmates for dates. The endless "accidental slip-ups" that plagued him at his last school will be a thing of the past once he joins the club; after all, it has "boy" right in the title.
But he fails the audition. Desperate, he strikes a deal with the club's prickly president, Asher: he'll help lead the nearly-bankrupt club to victory at the school's fundraising dance competition, and in exchange Asher will allow Noah to prove his skills as a boyfriend in a series of tests that include romancing Asher himself.
As Noah passes test after test, his fake romance with Asher starts to feel surprisingly real, and Noah is faced with a dilemma. If he fails to win the dance fundraiser the club will go bankrupt, and he'll not only lose the new friends he's made - the whole school will know he isn't "boy enough". But if Noah succeeds in securing the club their victory, he'll have to follow the most important, unbreakable rule of the Borrow a Boyfriend Club: no real girlfriends (or boyfriends) allowed.
Will Noah risk breaking the rules for a chance at love?


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