Paola Merrill

The Cottage Fairy Companion

¿A Cottagecore Guide to Slow Living, Connecting to Nature, and Becoming Enchanted Again (Mindful Living, Home Design for Cottages). 4 color illustrations throughout. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
ISBN 1642509809
EAN 9781642509809
Veröffentlicht November 2022
Verlag/Hersteller Yellow Pear Press
10,49 inkl. MwSt.
Sofort Lieferbar (Download)

Awaken to Mindful Living Cottagecore Style
“This book presents an easy entry point for readers interested in exploring mindfulness and the cottagecore lifestyle.” –Library Journal review
#1 Best Seller in Small Homes & Cottages, Folkcrafts, Architectural Decoration and Ornaments, Fiber Arts & Textiles, Seasonal Crafts, Architecture, Home Design Decorating & Design
Discover how to infuse the charm of cottagecore into your everyday life with The Cottage Fairy Companion. This book takes you to a simpler, more mindful existence, offering the beauty of slow living, rustic aesthetics, and a deep connection to nature.
Romanticize our life. With The Cottage Fairy Companion as your guide, immerse yourself in the enchantment of everyday magic. Reimagine life through a cottagecore lens, whether you're a city-dweller or countryside resident, helping you build an intimate connection with nature and experience the joys of slow living.
Embrace mindful restoration. Follow the inspiring journey of author Paola Merrill and unearth the profound wisdom that nature offers for personal growth and fulfillment. This guide illustrates how the practices of rustic living and mindful awareness can become the cornerstone of your daily life, transforming your world into a serene haven of simple, balanced living.
Inside you'll discover:Practical strategies to integrate cottagecore aesthetics into your daily life, regardless of your dwellingAn engaging narrative of Paola Merrill's transition from city bustle to countryside tranquilityMindfulness techniques rooted in the wisdom of natureInspiration to embrace the magic in the everyday
If you liked books like Escape Into Cottagecore, Cozy White Cottage, Simply Living Well, or The Little Book of Cottagecore, you'll love The Cottage Fairy Companion.


Paola Merrill is a Puerto Rican American living in rural NE Washington State. She is an English literature student, and has worked as a magazine editor and writer for several years. The philosophy behind her popular Youtube channel, The Cottage Fairy, was to bring people from all backgrounds together and develop a greater awareness of nature preservation and sustainable living. Her videos are artistic representations of daily life. They are intended to be meditative and have a calming effect on the viewers.
As for past examples of her work, she is an English literature student who worked as a magazine editor and writer for several years.

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