Patricia Adderley

Finding Peace in Jesus: An Encouraging 30 Day Devotional

ebook Ausgabe. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
EAN 9798201129682
Veröffentlicht Dezember 2021
Verlag/Hersteller Patricia Adderley
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
2,99 inkl. MwSt.
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Does life seem like it is spinning out of control causing you stress and anxiety?
Do you know who God created you to be?
Would you like to grow in your faith in God and find hope in Jesus?
Finding Peace in Jesus: An Encouraging 30 Day Devotional will help you to put your eyes back on God where they belong and take them off of the problems you are facing because God is bigger than any problem or situation you may be facing. You will find many uplifting devotions about the peace of Jesus, overcoming adversity, forgiveness, the fruit of the Spirit and much more.
By taking just a few minutes each day you can find peace in every step you take with Jesus. You will find that God's forgiveness makes you free. He is right there waiting for you to come to Him.
You can know with certainty the answer to the question "who did God create me to be?". Finding Peace in Jesus is not only a devotional book on fear and overcoming it, but it is also a great devotional on the peace of God and how to find that peace in the midst of life's storms. You will find yourself falling in love with God's word and the hope it brings.
Rejoice in Jesus always because He is worthy of all your praise. Let Him fill you with His love and His light.
Ask yourself this question, "is God's love alive in you?"
I know I want it to be every day. I know that can only happen as I spend time with Him and listen.
This encouraging 30 day devotional includes:
• 30 daily devotions
• Daily scriptures
• Daily prayers
• Different topic each day
Take time today to start loving Jesus above all things by putting him first in your life.
Interview with Patricia:
How do you begin finding peace in Jesus?
For me, it's making it a priority to actually spend time with God, in His Word, in worship, and in prayer. It doesn't have to be a lot of time. Just a few minutes each day helps me to clear my head and focus on what's most important- Jesus. He has the answers I need if I just remember to seek Him out first instead of last.
When did you begin to know who God created you to be?
It started when I read a book by Neil Anderson that opened my eyes to the fact that I actually have a separate identity in Christ. I don't have earn His love, but it is freely given. It is based on what Jesus did for me on the cross over 2,000 years ago.
What Readers Are Saying
* What a wonderful book I was gifted. Upon my reading of it I found myself revisiting it almost daily as a reminder and guidance of how to face our daily struggles. I use it as a handbook for issues and challenges that are testing us. Subsequently, I bought a copy for all of my daughter in laws for Christmas, all of them have enjoyed it. - Payton Bates
* I found the devotionals in this book to be uplifting and inspiring. The author's writing style is pleasant and comforting, while providing a path to help you find peace. I would recommend this book to anyone seeking a devotional that is a quick, easy read. - Glenda S. Gordon

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