Patricia Arredondo, Mary L. Fawcett, Dawnette L. Cigrand, Sandra Bertram Grant, Rieko Miyakuni

Counseling With Immigrants, Refugees, and Their Families From Social Justice Perspectives

ebook Ausgabe. 1. Auflage. E-Book. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook , 659 Seiten
ISBN 1394222955
EAN 9781394222957
Veröffentlicht April 2024
Verlag/Hersteller John Wiley & Sons
52,99 inkl. MwSt.
Sofort Lieferbar (Download)

Immigrants and refugees continue to make enormous contributions to the economic, educational, and cultural richness of the U.S. They plan for and manage multiple changes to achieve goals for themselves and their families, and in the process, give back to the U.S. This book provides insight for counselors working with immigrants and refugees and their families across the lifespan.
Social justice and multicultural counseling competency frameworks ground this text, which is intended for counselors working in academic settings, conducting research, and practicing in different contexts. Because immigrants and refugees have various cultural heritages, immigration journeys, reasons for migrating, and presenting situations, counselors must be prepared to engage with individuals and families as unique clients. Descriptions of these contextual factors, including data and legislation, are included.
This book will guide counselors in recognizing the additional steps they may need to take to account for culture, language, health status, relationships in place, and of course the priority issues (i.e., child's illness and/or school bullying) to be dealt with. Additionally, counselors will learn about the rationale for migration as well as the concentration camps that may be "home" to refugees for an indeterminate time. Counselors will read about losses that affect immigrant and refugee clients and how these "naturally" contribute to sadness, depression, anger, and self-isolation.
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Patricia Arredondo, EdD is president of the Arredondo Advisory Group.
Mary L. Fawcett, PhD is a professor of counselor education at Winona State University
Dawnette L. Cigrand, PhD, is a professor and department chair of counselor education with Winona State University
Sandra Bertram Grant, M.Ed. is a Research Assistant and doctoral student in Psychology at the University of Denver
Rieko Miyakuni, PhD is an assistant professor of counselor education at Winona State University
Dariyan Adams is a graduate student at Winona State University

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