Patricia J. Parsons

Good Housekeeping: My Unexpected Adventures in Domesticity

ebook Ausgabe. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
ISBN 1998358003
EAN 9781998358007
Veröffentlicht Januar 2024
Verlag/Hersteller Moonlight Press
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
4,99 inkl. MwSt.
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When popular daytime TV host and uber-feminist Erica Flanagan skewers a young "trad wife" influencer on live TV, she soon finds herself on a forced sabbatical, searching for a project to keep her busy. Without a single domestic bone in her body, Erica embarks on a blogging project determined to prove that domesticity is a con. But her domestic adventure turns into a quagmire of personal discovery -and what she discovers is herself.
Erica Flanagan, uber-feminist and one of the stars of the afternoon television talk show, has honed her on-air bitch persona to perfection. Or so she thought. But Erica is becoming increasingly impatient with the new breed of millennial women who seem to be regressing into homemaker mode. When she finally blows her stack on live television, her boss puts her on a six-month sabbatical. In all her fifty-three years on the planet, workaholic Erica has never had time on her hands. Erica needs a project.
With a burning desire to show all those young, stay-at-home, housewife women a thing or two, Erica embarks on a project to prove to the younger generation of women that they're wasting their time on meaningless home-based activities-that they need to get a life. And if Erica, who doesn't have a domestic bone in her body, can do it, she will have won the argument. But she never considered the consequences of the social media backlash.
Between her thirteen-year-old social media-savvy daughter Maddie, a budding filmmaker and the mysterious Betty Crocket, who keeps showing up unannounced, Erica finds herself on a wild domestic adventure and unexpectedly discovers she might not be who she thinks she is.


Patricia J. Parsons (aka P J Parsons) has written a dozen books, including health and business books, as well as a memoir and two historical novels in addition to her women's fiction. She has been a fashion design and sewing fanatic for most of her life, a passion she writes about online at The GG Files blog. She lives, writes and sews in Toronto.

Connect with her on Instagram @patriciajparsons Join her on Facebook @patriciaparsonswriter Visit her website at

Some other books by Patricia J. Parsons

The almost-but-not-quite-true stories

The Year I Made 12 Dresses (Book 1) Kat's Kosmic Blues (Book 2) The Inscrutable Life of Frannie Phillips (Book 3) Something I'm Supposed to Do (Book 4)

Other Fiction Plan B (lit-for-intelligent-chicks) Confessions of a Failed Yuppie (lit-for-intelligent-chicks) Something More Than Love (historical fiction) Grace Note: In Hildegard's Shadow (historical fiction)

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