Patricia Rebirth

Unbreakable: Strong Enough to Mend

ebook Ausgabe. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
EAN 9798224401574
Veröffentlicht April 2024
Verlag/Hersteller PATRICIA REBIRTH
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
14,49 inkl. MwSt.
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Passion is my strength and it completes me. My scent is memorable and captivating. My beauty is both a blessing and a curse, sometimes forcing me to face danger. The thorns were unable to protect my rose from these evils.The portrait of the perfect family of mom and dad does not exist. I don't fit into that mold. Despite the fights Mom faced alone without the love of her life, she got stronger.Today, I sweat her strength and her courage. I haven't always been that girl, though. I had to battle to get there. Throughout the suffering and difficulties, I am still standing and growing...


Patricia Rebirth is a multifaceted figure, a writer, mother, entrepreneur, and the CEO of Fayola Swimwear Collection in Quebec, Canada. Her message centers on self-awareness, passion, interests, and achievement. Being deeply connected with charitable causes, she commits herself to philanthropy, fashion, music, and cinema, significantly influencing her daughter.
Patricia spends thousands of dollars annually on her emotional awareness, using it to broaden her knowledge, expand her network, and seek inspiration to continue building the UNBREAKABLE movement. Believing that her teachings can guide and inspire anyone, she sees herself as the true voice for women who have been broken.
Her mission is to inspire more women who have been through difficult times in their lives; those who were told they couldn't make it; those who have been marginalized; those who are discouraged, confused, uncertain. Patricia wants to show them that they, too, can strive to reach their full potential, lead a fulfilling life, and help inspire other women in society!

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