Paul Doherty

The Horus Killings (Amerotke Mysteries, Book 2)

A captivating murder mystery from Ancient Egypt. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
EAN 9780755350254
Veröffentlicht September 2012
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Familienlizenz Family Sharing

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A sign from the gods... or the work of a deadly enemy?
The Horus Killings is the second in the stirring and enthralling series set in Paul Doherty's Ancient Egypt, featuring Judge Amerotke. Perfect for fans of Lauren Haney and Wilbur Smith.
'The period detail is fascinating, but not tediously overdone. Doherty catches atmosphere as well... And Judge Amerotke is an engaging, distinctive sleuth' - Glasgow Herald
At the divine temple of Horus, a crowd gathers to celebrate the triumphant return of Hatusu, the widow of Pharaoh Tuthmosis II, after her successful battle against the Mitanni. Hatusu's achievements confound her opponents who refuse to believe that a woman is capable of ruling Egypt, but she cannot silence the court gossips who whisper that Hatusu's stepson is the true heir to the throne. Hatusu is determined that Egypt will accept her as the first Pharaoh-Queen, but she needs to win the favour of the gods. When a spate of savage killings takes place in the Temple of Horus, the priests interpret this as a sign of celestial disapproval of Hatusu. Only one man, Amerotke, a respected judge, can be trusted to find the truth among the intrigue surrounding the deaths.
What readers are saying about The Horus Killings:
'The plot is engrossing, and the murderer, unlike many murder mysteries, is not obvious, making their revelation at the end of the book a satisfying conclusion to a very entertaining story'
'This was a compelling book, and I found that I just couldn't put it down'
'Paul Doherty at his very best!'


Paul Doherty

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