Paul Eccentric

For All We Know (The Periwinkle Perspective, #4)

ebook Ausgabe. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
EAN 9798223221067
Veröffentlicht November 2023
Verlag/Hersteller Caffeine Nights Publishing
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
3,99 inkl. MwSt.
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London 1898. The past few years have been something of a whirlwind for Captain Gordon Periwinkle: the previously unsung adventurer and amateur taxidermist, who was recently catapulted to international acclaim when; in 1895, he became the first man to walk upon the Moon. However, he has since retired from the game and has instead taken on the lease of the Adventurer's Club in Piccadilly, where he is enjoying his new life as a host, a new husband, and a raconteur. The world around him has also changed, and a delegation of Martians are on route from their home planet to meet with Queen Victoria at Buckingham Palace. It is a new age of peace and prosperity... Or is it?
It is fair to say that not everybody is happy with the way things have turned out. One of those people is a writer of speculative fiction, whose debut novel bombed when Gordon Periwinkle made the subject of his fantastical imaginings into a rather mundane reality, breaking his sensitive artist's mind and setting him on course of bloody revenge. Meanwhile, a discovery has been made on Mars: a discovery that could affect the burgeoning relations between the two worlds. Quietly, without fanfare, a party is recruited and sent to the red planet to investigate. Happy to be anywhere but London for the time being, Gordon joins Hamble Blaise for one more journey into the unknown...
'So vivid is the fictionalised past in THE PERIWINKLE PERSPECTIVE that it feels more real to me than the actual past, and a lot of the present. Paul Eccentric loves language. He loves a lyrical turn of phrase. You can almost hear the music threaded throughout his books. The result is characters, worlds and stories that are joyful to experience at every level.'
Paul B Rainey - Award winning author and illustrator of 'Why Don't You Love Me' and
'A New Canon'.
'I was drawn to the Periwinkle Perspective by the sumptuous cover art and insane title. Paul's eccentric steampunk adventures do not disappoint. The prose style is captivating and it is, in my opinion, one of the most fun and imaginative titles of the year'.
Chris McAuley - Creator of the 'Stokerverse' and 'Dark Legacies'.
'Paul Eccentric's Periwinkle Perspective novels are rich in evocative and wildly-imaginative imagery, a joy - and a challenge! - for any artist attempting to capture them visually.'
Paul McCaffrey - Illustrator of Lavie Tidhar's 'Adler' and Kim Newman's 'Anno Dracula' for Titan Comics.

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