Paul John Hausleben

A New Jersey Christmas Tale

ebook Ausgabe. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
EAN 9798201978419
Veröffentlicht Februar 2022
Verlag/Hersteller God Bless the Keg Publishing LLC
Familienlizenz Family Sharing

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The classic Christmas tale with a New Jersey twist! A New Jersey Christmas Tale is another Christmas release by the master storyteller on an already long list of Christmas books and seasonal magic! Many readers and critics say that no one writes modern Christmas stories as does Mr. Paul John Hausleben. What better Christmas mix than for Mr. Hausleben to join up in writing ideas with the author that invented Christmas as we now know it?
Paul John Hausleben does not hide his love for his favorite author, Mr. Charles Dickens, and he does not mince words when he proclaims Mr. Dickens's Christmas masterpiece, "I believe it is the greatest story ever written with the most colorful and amazing characters of all time, too. Dickens has no peers; in my opinion, he is the greatest author of all time."
Mr. Hausleben takes the original basic theme of the classic Christmas story, adds his own characters, sets the story in his home city of Paterson, New Jersey with a mid-1970s setting, and Mr. Hausleben turns the old classic into a new classic. In the author's notes, PJH adds some commentary on the original story with his usual deep insight and flair. He adds some of his own Christmas artwork within the pages, with his own cover design and his own simple and captivating hand-drawn artwork. All of this makes this book a must-have for your Christmas reading list!


Way back in time, when the dinosaurs first died off, at the ripe old age of sixteen, Paul John Hausleben, wrote three stories for a creative writing class in high school. Enrolled in a vocational school, and immersed in trade courses and apprenticeship, left little time for writing ventures but PJH wrote three exceptional and entertaining stories. Paul John Hausleben's stories caught the eye of two English teachers in the college-preparatory academic programs and they pulled the author out of his basic courses and plopped him in advanced English and writing courses. One of the English teachers had immense faith in Paul's talents, and she took PJH's stories, helped him brush them up and submitted them to a periodical for publication. To PJH's astonishment, the periodical published all three of the stories and sent him a royalty check for fifty dollars and . . . that was it. PJH did not write anymore because life got in his way. Fast forward to 2009 and while living on the road in Atlanta, Georgia (and struggling to communicate with the locals who did not speak New Jersey) for his full-time job, PJH took a part-time job writing music reviews for a progressive rock website, and that gig caused the writing bug to bite PJH once more. He recalled those old stories and found the old manuscripts hiding in a dusty box. After some doodling around with them, PJH decided to revisit them. Two stories became the nucleus for the anthology now known as, The Time Bomb in The Cupboard and Other Adventures of Harry and Paul. The other story became the anchor story for the collection known as, The Christmas Tree and Other Christmas Stories, Tales for a Christmas Evening. Now, many years and over thirty-five published works later, along with countless blogs and other work, PJH continues to write. Where and when it stops, only the author really knows.
On the other hand, does he really know?
If you ask Paul John Hausleben, he will tell you that he is not an author, he is just a storyteller. Other than writing, among many careers both paid and unpaid, he is a former semi-professional hockey goaltender, a music fan and music reviewer, an avid sports fan, photographer and amateur radio operator.

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