Paula Cox

Overpowered (Book 1)

ebook Ausgabe. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
ISBN 1393201822
EAN 9781393201823
Veröffentlicht April 2020
Verlag/Hersteller eBook Publishing World
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
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This is book 1 of the Headless Reapers MC romance series! Books 2 and 3 of this dark motorcycle club romance series are available everywhere now!
I'll fight the world to keep her in my bed.
I stole a girl who was strictly off limits.
And now her owners want my head on a spike.
But they'd better ride fast, ride hard, and carry a big gun.
Because I'll kill any man who tries to take her from me.
I've lived my whole life in the fast line.
I've had more hot girls than hot meals.
But my thirst for adrenaline just drove me into dangerous territory.
Emma was just a rival club's girl -or so I thought.
But as I came to learn, being a Reaper's girl meant staying theirs for life.
Needless to say, they weren't exactly thrilled when I stole her for myself.
I've never once asked for permission to take anything in my life.
I decided I wanted her.
And I don't give a damn if the entire might of the Headless Reapers MC rises up to try and crush me.
I'm not backing down.
And they sure as hell aren't gonna take my girl from me.
Not without killing me first.
I knew the consequences of submitting to an enemy biker like Rafael.
And I did it anyways.
But now, the club that thought they owned me is coming for my blood - and his.
They want to hurt us, make us suffer for defying them.
I can't lie -I 'm terrified.
But one look in Rafael's eyes shows me that he isn't scared.
Not in the slightest.
He says that he owns me, that he'll never let me go.
And I pray that he's telling the truth.
It's a little bit ironic:
I've spent my whole life fighting to get free of the clutches of the outlaw bikers who want to brand me with their ink and chain me to their beds.
But now that I've found Rafael…
I'll do whatever it takes to stay in his arms.

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