Pearl Howie

Seek Your Bliss - The Guide to Spa Breaks and Escapes from Pearl Escapes 2015

ebook Ausgabe. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
EAN 9781326110925
Veröffentlicht Dezember 2014
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This is not a glossy spa book with publicity photos and reviews provided by spa's PR teams but an honest first hand account of some of the world's most wonderful, as well as best value spas and escapes.
This is the book for you if you want to know which hot tubs are worth the price of a day visit, which hotel's breakfast buffet is worth forking out for and, most importantly, where to find treatments, escapes and facilities worth going the extra mile for - even if they're not in the most traditional venues.
With spa breaks and escapes in Florida, New York, Iceland, Bath, London, Hampshire, Sussex, Kent, Paris, Barcelona, Tuscany, Croatia, Morocco and China this is a guide that can help you find your perfect escape around the world.

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