Pediatric Intensive Care -

Pediatric Intensive Care

Sprache: Englisch. Dateigröße in MByte: 13.
pdf eBook , 288 Seiten
ISBN 0199393109
EAN 9780199393107
Veröffentlicht März 2017
Verlag/Hersteller Oxford University Press

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Pediatric Intensive Care offers clinicians and trainees a concise, easy-to-carry resource on pediatric critical care medicine, designed for frequent and quick reference at the bedside, providing solutions to questions and situations encountered in practice. The book is sized to fit in a pocket and contains focused text, bulleted lists, tables, and figures. The book facilitates the delivery of critical care by a range of practitioners, from residents to generalists in settings where CCM expertise is not readily available, to intensivists.


Dr. Watson attended medical school at the University of Pennsylvania, pediatrics residency and pediatric critical care fellowship at Seattle Children's Hospital, and received an MPH in Epidemiology from the University of Washington School of Public Health. He on faculty of the University of Pittsburgh for 14 years before returning to the University of Washington in 2014. In addition caring for critically ill children and educating medical students, residents, and fellows, Dr. Watson conducts research to increase the understanding of the long-term effects of critical care on children and their families.
Dr. Thompson received a BA from the University of Chicago and her MD from Tufts University School of Medicine. She completed residencies in Pediatrics and Anesthesiology at the Boston Floating Hospital, Children's Hospital of Philadelphia, and the Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania, and a fellowship in pediatric critical care at Children's Hospital of Philadelphia. She was division chief of Pediatric Critical Care at Children's Hospital of Pittsburgh from 1981 to 2010 with a particular interest in and communication and ethics in the PICU and is currently Vice Dean of the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine.


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