Penney Peirce


Seeing Through to Our Expanded Human Capacity. b&w illustrations thru-out. EPUB. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook , 368 Seiten
ISBN 1501165488
EAN 9781501165481
Veröffentlicht Oktober 2017
Verlag/Hersteller Atria Books/Beyond Words
Familienlizenz Family Sharing

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Transformation and perception expert Penney Peirce offers a timely, inspiring, and pioneering book about the path to everyday enlightenment. Focusing on the courage to be vulnerable, authentic, and exposed, Transparency offers a way to rapidly become your absolute best self.
There is great power in being seen for all of who you are—and for being able to see through the superficial, often-messy top layer of reality to find core truth, beautiful souls, and our expanded capacity as human beings. The fourth book in Penney Peirce's award-winning Transformation series, with a poignant foreword by Jenny Blake, Transparency dives into some of the last phases of personal and societal transformation.
Thought-provoking, reassuring, and motivating, Peirce shows readers how to dissolve old habits, fears, and fixed beliefs—our emotional and mental "clutter"—that interfere with the soul's clarity. It's honesty, simplicity, compassion, and true humility that produce genius, not ego and control.
We're used to living in physical bodies in an opaque world, and rarely see through to what's real. By transforming the dense reality into a transparent one, where secrets, lies, and hiding are no longer functional, readers learn to relax and discover their best self. When you're transparent, you can see through situations that blind and confuse others. It's easy then to reach ideal solutions, important insights, and astounding creativity. Peirce's vision for how life will change in a transparent reality gives all of us something to aim for.


Penney Peirce

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