Peter Miles

The Contemporary Classroom Management Manual

ebook Ausgabe. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
ISBN 0463451023
EAN 9780463451021
Veröffentlicht August 2019
Verlag/Hersteller Peter Miles
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
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This book is a Behaviour Management guidebook for classroom teachers of all year levels, providing practical knowledge, philosophies and strategies to assist in the development and maintenance of a safe and supportive learning environment in today's classrooms and playgrounds. The author has 32 years of experience as a classroom teacher, 14 of these as a Behaviour Management Support Teacher, and the philosophies and strategies have been tried and tested, not only by the author in his own classes, but by the hundreds of teachers and teaching staff he has advised and assisted.


Peter Miles lives in Rainbow Beach, Queensland, Australia. He is a father of 3, an English and Physical Education teacher, a Special Educator, a classroom Behaviour Management specialist, a surfer, a runner and a paraglider. His priorities in life are Family, Fitness and Career, in that order. After 32 years of teaching, he is also a RAT - Retirement Aspirant Teacher.
Peter published the classroom behaviour management textbook "Don't Just Stand There, Yell Something?" in 2003 through McGraw-Hill Publishing and wrote a follow-up ebook "If You Can't Beat Them, Teach Them" in 2006. He also compiled the educational package "The Better Behaviour, Better Learning Professional Development Suite" for Education Queensland and a protective behaviours anti-bullying program called "Take Control" for his education district.

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