Peter Whitaker


ebook Ausgabe. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
ISBN 137083330X
EAN 9781370833306
Veröffentlicht Juni 2017
Verlag/Hersteller Peter Whitaker
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
1,49 inkl. MwSt.
Sofort Lieferbar (Download)

1930's Britain the Ministry of Social Biology (MoSB) is responsible for improving the health of the nation along eugenic principles. Spring Bank opens to take into care the feeble-minded, the dissolute, the deformed of body, from private and charitable hospitals. Brinley Valentine Husher is the newly appointed Secretary of State for Social Biology and he is determined to make Britain a country made strong through Eugenics. He hosts an Extraordinary International Eugenics Congress aboard the new R102 airship to promote his new ministry.
For Grace Fielding and Thomas Morrow the reality of Spring Bank and the MoSB is the threat of enforced euthanasia. They are the young disabled, newly arrived in a facility that is already turning inhuman, and they are attracting the vicious attention of the Red Band trustees; if the Red Bands do not kill them first then the dysgenic policies of the MoSB surely will!
There is a secret war being fought in Britain, however, between the Verdure, a shadowy cabal of wealth and political power, and the Indivisibles, a disparate group of individuals opposed to eugenics. Grace, Tom, and their friends become unwitting pawns in this unknown war, racing by car, train, and aeroplane across the country to keep one step ahead of their enemies. For Tom it is a fight for life but for grace it is a struggle to discover who she really is and why she is being pursued so resolutely by the beautiful face of the MoSB; Helene Monroe. For the reader it is a dark adventure in a Britain that might have been if Eugenics had triumphed.


I am someone who has a profound interest in life and all the many and diverse subjects that it has to offer. I live and work in the East Riding of Yorkshire, a citizen of the forgotten city of Kingston Upon Hull. I was educated at Coleg Harlech, Gwynedd, North Wales, an institution that gave me so much, including a deeper appreciation of literature and a journey into Philosophy.
Eugenica is a book I started work on as a means of promoting a positive image of the disabled. As a disabled person myself I am only too aware how we can be totally misrepresented, whether wilfully or otherwise, by the media. It is a blend of adventure, dark science fiction, and an awful lot of referencing to things popular in the 1930's that I still enjoy today.
I am happily married with two children. I dream of being a full-time author and I would like to see my football team Hull City win the Premier League title one day.

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