Philip K. Dick

The Hanging Stranger

Short Story. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook , 30 Seiten
ISBN 1443433268
EAN 9781443433266
Veröffentlicht Dezember 2013
Verlag/Hersteller HarperPerennial Classics
Familienlizenz Family Sharing

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When Ed Loyce heads to work at his TV repair shop, he is startled to find the dead body of a complete stranger hanging from a lamp post outside. But when he calls attention to the morbid display, the strange reactions of his friends and neighbours bring him to a disturbing realization.
Philip K. Dick was an American science-fiction novelist, short-story writer and essayist. His first short story, "Beyond Lies the Wub," was published shortly after his high school graduation. Some of his most famous short stories were adapted for film, including "The Minority Report," "Paycheck," "Second Variety" (adapted into the film Screamers) and "We Can Remember It For You Wholesale" (adapted into the film Total Recall).
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Philip K. Dick (1928-1982) was an American science-fiction novelist, short-story writer and essayist. A contemporary of Ursula K. Le Guin, Dick's first short story, "Beyond Lies the Wub,” was published shortly after his high-school graduation. Many of Dick's works drew upon his personal experiences with drug abuse, addressing topics such as paranoia and schizophrenia, transcendental experiences and alternate reality, and the childhood death of his twin sister is reflected through the recurring theme of the "phantom twin” in many of his novels. Despite ongoing financial troubles and issues with the IRS, Dick had a prolific writing career, winning both the Hugo Award and the Nebula Award multiple times. Some of his most famous novels and stories—A Scanner Darkly, "The Minority Report”, "Paycheck,” and Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? (adapted into the film Blade Runner)—have been adapted for film. Dick died in 1982.

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