Pranav Maxim

Healer Killer

A story has millions of mouth to say. Empfohlen ab 12 Jahre. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
ISBN 3739649941
EAN 9783739649948
Veröffentlicht April 2016
Verlag/Hersteller BookRix
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
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My novel..., is a crime thriller in the same vein as Sir Doyle and Agatha Christie.
It's about the assassin breakthrough of the millennium. A serial killer named Healer continue to be the working reason of police for more than three years. 30+ murders but still far away from the long hand of police, after having many clues.
Jay Vasan, a son of detective inspector wants to be a detective. He always advised to focus on studies but everything changed one day.
The Healer sends threatening letter to cancel his sister's wedding. And next day he tried to kill her, however Jay saves her and took a vow to solve the case. Being the son of detective, helps him to access those files and clues related with Healer.
One person claimed that he is Healer, giving proofs. Unfortunately he killed by Jay and Jay never gets answer why Healer wants to cancel Aditi's wedding? But next day he got a cipher which says Healer is everywhere.
On nuptial ceremony Jay's father found dead and Aditi accused that Jay is that notorious Healer. Why did she do so? Jay accused his father's best friend as Healer, giving theories.
He gets 7 days ultimatum to gather proofs against Healer, beyond the boundary of law. Jay's investigation soon unearths a snarled tangle of extortion, conspiracy, hidden secrets, and murderous betrayal.
His future, and his friend's lives, are at stake. Can Jay succeeded to expose the truth? Or will the city succumb to an evil that may bring about the extinction of mankind? Pranav R. Maxim
This shows how destiny gives you something taking everything.

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